Reintroduce Mangoes to your Taste Buds

Mango Mania was founded in 2023 to fulfill the dream of mango lovers in the United States, by bringing you the king and queen of mangoes straight from our hometown.

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Currently we are not delivering over US

Sorry for the inconvince we have stop delivering mangoes till further notice, Local delivery and pick is available.

Mango FAQs

Life span of Mango after harvesting?

Mangoes should be consumed within 8 days of harvesting.

Can I freeze mangoes?

Yes, you can freeze mangoes. Peel and dice them, then spread the pieces on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer the mango pieces to a freezer bag or container for long-term storage. Frozen mangoes are great for smoothies, desserts, or snacking.

When one should consume mango after receiving delivery?

One should not keep the mango in a confined space as it accelerates the ripening process. Mangoes should be consumed within 3-4 days of receiving the package for better taste and flavor. If not, remove the fresh pulp and freeze it for later use.

Can I eat mango skin?

While the skin of some mango varieties is edible, it's generally not eaten due to its tough texture and slightly bitter taste. It's best to peel the mango before consuming, especially if you're sensitive to certain compounds found in the skin.

How do I choose a ripe mango?

Look for mangoes that are slightly soft to the touch but not mushy. Ripe mangoes often have a fruity aroma at the stem end and may exhibit some color changes depending on the variety.